GME Presents Austrian Films and Filmmakers, On the Occasion of "YES & NO: Austrian Artist Film @ ICA London"
On November 5th and 12th, YES & NO Magazine celebrated their 13th edition YES & NO Kino+Film Austria, which sheds light on more than 100 years of Austrian cinema by presenting a two-part program with the ICA and sixpackfilm. GME distributes several of these films as DVDs and DSL/DVD bundles, in collaboration with Index Edition/sixpackfilm, to the North American institutional market.
Curated by sixpackfilm’s Dietmar Schwärzler, these programs “showcase[d] some of the most iconic and groundbreaking Austrian avant-garde films.” The November 5th program featured Kurt Kren’s 10/65 SELF-MUTILATION (1965), Norbert Pfaffenbichler’s CONFERENCE. NOTES ON FILM 05 (2011), Peter Tscherkassky’s OUTER SPACE (1999), Virgil Widrich’s FAST FILM (2003), and Maria Lassnig and Hubert Sielecki’s MARIA LASSNIG KANTATE (1992). Additionally, the November 12th program featured Kren’s 37/78 TREE AGAIN (1978).
GME distributes Kren’s 10/65 SELF-MUTILATION in the collection KURT KREN: ACTION FILMS, and 37/78 TREE AGAIN in the collection KURT KREN: STRUCTURAL FILMS. GME also distributes Pfaffenbichler’s film in the collection NORBERT PFAFFENBICHLER: NOTES ON NOTES ON FILM, Tscherkassky’s film in the collection PETER TSCHERKASSKY: FILMS FROM A DARK ROOM, Widrich’s film in the collection VIRGIL WIDRICH: SHORT FILMS, and Lassnig and Sielecki’s film in the collection MARIA LASSNIG: ANIMATION FILMS. These collections are all available on DVD and as DSL/DVD bundles.
Additional titles by Peter Kubelka, Mara Mattuschka, Friedl vom Gröller, and Siegfried A. Fruhauf screened in both programs. GME distributes Kubelka’s restoration of Dziga Vertov’s ENTUZIAZM (1930) as well as Martina Kudláček’s documentary about Kubelka, FRAGMENTS OF KUBELKA (2012) as DVDs and DSL/DVD bundles. Furthermore, GME distributes the Mattuschka collection IRIS SCAN and her collaboration with Chris Haring, BURNING DOWN THE PALACE, as DVDs and DSL/DVD bundles. Vom Gröller’s feature SILENCE ON SCREEN (2005—18) is distributed by GME in conjunction with the book ONE IS NOT ENOUGH, while 14 short films by Fruhauf were recently added to our library, in the collection SIEGFRIED A. FRUHAUF: EXPOSED.
For a complete list of titles we distribute in collaboration with Index Edition/sixpackfilm, click here. For more information about how to acquire these titles for academic use, please visit our ordering info page.