GME DVD Distribution: End of Semester Update

GME DVD Distribution: End of Semester Update

Gartenberg Media wishes the best for our university colleagues in these trying times. Due to the sudden advent of remote teaching beginning in March, we decided to suspend our announcement of our spring semester DVD releases until the fall of 2020. Nevertheless we are fully prepared to fulfill prospective orders to the academic community from our entire catalog of more than 200 titles. For a complete list of our DVD/Blu-ray titles and pricing, please click here. There are live links from each title to its individual web page description. We thought this listing would be helpful for university librarians who need to expend their budgets before the end of this academic year in May, as well as for professors anticipating teaching material for their fall curricula.

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GME DVD Distribution – Season in Review

GME DVD Distribution – Season in Review

During this semester, Gartenberg Media Enterprises has offered an extensive slate of new DVD and Blu-ray publications for distribution to the North American academic community.  These digital editions were selected from film archives and boutique publishers worldwide, and represent the entire breadth and depth of moving image history.   They encompassed trick films by George Méliès, dating from the 1890s, through to 21st Century experimental filmmakers working in both France and the United States, including Jacques Perconte, Jeff Scher, and Robert Todd.

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GME DVD Distribution: Essential Cinema at the End of Summer

GME DVD Distribution:  Essential Cinema at the End of Summer

Over the past two decades, GME has assembled a curated collection of significant films throughout the entire course of moving image history, which we offer in DVD and Blu-ray editions to educational institutions in North America. A substantial number of these films are represented in Anthology Film Archives’s Essential Cinema Repertory program.

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Short Films by Charlie Chaplin at Anthology Film Archives

Short Films by Charlie Chaplin at Anthology Film Archives

It is stupid to treat Charlie as a clown of genius. If there had never been a cinema he would undoubtedly have been a clown of genius, but the cinema has allowed him to raise the comedy of circus and music hall to the highest aesthetic level. Chaplin needed the medium of the cinema to free comedy completely from the limits of space and time imposed by the stage or the circus arena. The best Chaplin films can be seen over and over again with no loss of pleasure – indeed the very opposite is the case.

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CHAPLIN AT KEYSTONE - A 4-Disc Collection of 34 Films Now Available on DVD for Institutional Sales



   (1914)   34 Films  /  4-Disc Set

   Format: DVD NTSC / Region 0, No Regional Code.   

   Institutional Sale Price: $400.00 plus shipping & handling.

These DVDs are available on an exclusive basis for sale to educational organizations in North America (universities, libraries, & other cultural institutions), and include public performance rights. Public performance rights extend to use in classrooms and in other non-commercial settings where no admission is charged.

For more information on the these titles visit here.

For information on ordering by fax, email or post visit here.

To order by phone please call: 212.280.8654