Henri Storck (Ostend 1907 - Brussels 1999) lived through the whole history of cinema, passing from silent to sound, and from experimental to commercial films. He is recognised as a pioneer of Belgian cinema and a key figure in documentary. From 1924 to 1944, the old project of making a feature film comes true. SYMPHONIE PAYSANNE consists of four parts that correspond to the four seasons. This lyrical masterpiece describes the day to tday life and rituals of the farmers. The film is a great and slow poem to nature, in which life and death of humans, animals and plants represent as many identical themes. Nonetheless, man and his endless labour are at the core of the film.
Format: Blu-ray & DVD-PAL Combo /
Region Free & Region 0
(No Regional Code)
(Belgium, 1942-1944)
Director: Henri Storck
Script: Jacques De Schryver
Camera: Henri Storck, François Rents, Maurice Delattre & Charles Abel
Assistants: J.E. Rents, F. De Velter, Lucien Parlongue
Set photography: Robert Martin & Raoul Ubac
Editing: Henri Storck
Music: Pierre Moulaert
Sound editing: José & René Lebrun
Production: C.E.P.
Producer: Joseph Van Bladel
• 111 minutes
• B&W
Total Running Time: 01:51:00 (Blu-ray/DVD)
Language: In French & Dutch with optional English & Dutch subtitles
Published By: Cinematek
Booklet Text: Vincent Geens, Jacqueline Aubenas (Trilingual English, French & Dutch)
Institutional Price: $300 (plus shipping)
To order call: 212.280.8654 or click here for information on ordering by fax, e-mail or post.